Your Voice Your Vote

Countdown to General Election


Latest News…

The evening saw 97 people join in person at the Village Hall, with at least 50 joining the stream live, and now with over 450 views. Lots of positive feedback has been received for a peaceful, respectful, well-organised, helpful and informative evening. Many thanks to all who helped make it a success.

A great summary of the event posted here on Network Norwich

Poppy Simister-Thomas has submitted a 2-minute talking head video, to give fair coverage alongside the other candidates (see below).

John Fuller now confirmed to attend to represent the Conservative Party, making it a full house, with all 7 candidates present or represented. See below for John’s details.

Livestream broadcast confirmed!! You will be able to view the event live and on catch-up here or on YouTube –

With a General Election just round the corner, and lots to think about as we decide how to cast our vote, South Norfolk have 7 candidates standing. Have your chance to put your questions to them:

Organised by Mulbarton Parish Church and hosted by Mulbarton Village Hall, a General Election hustings, at which your MP candidates answer your questions

7:30pm, Monday 24th June 2024

Mulbarton Village Hall

Your questions put to South Norfolk constituency MP candidates.
See below for candidate details.

All voters welcome

What Is Most Important To You?

Voting has now closed

Thank you for letting us know which of the questions we gathered mattered most to you. This really helped the evening go smoothly.

We consolidated the questions you posed and highlighted the key themes to put to candidates, and you decided to put the topics in the order shown below.

The full set of verbatim questions from which we have derived these is included below for reference.

Created on
Moderated Topics and Themes

You can vote for up to five topics. When you have highlighted the topics that matter most to you, then click/tap the “I have chosen” button below.

Thank you for engaging in this democratic process.

Questions Gathered So Far…

Full list of actual questions posed (click/tap to show)
  1. How will you act to safeguard our planet for future generations?
  2. In the last 3-4 years, we have seen shocking increase in numbers of families relying on emergency food parcels. According to the Trussell Trust, In the last year, food banks in the Trussell Trust network distributed more than 3.1 million emergency food parcels – the highest number in our history. So in view of this and in terms of social security system, what are your plans to support the most vulnerable in our community and specifically in South Norfolk?
  3. It’s common knowledge that being part of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) strengthens the UK’s influence in international human rights discussions and allows it to lead by example in promoting human rights globally. Will you support the idea of leaving the ECHR?
  4. Electoral expert Sir John Curtice’s latest report for the National Centre for Social Research finds record numbers of voters saying they “almost never” trust governments to put country before party or politicians to tell the truth when in a tight corner. “The public is as doubtful as it has ever been about the trustworthiness and efficacy of the country’s system of government and the people who comprise it,” Sir John says (BBC News, 12.6.24). If elected, how will you ensure that truth and integrity are at the heart of government?
  5. What can be done to improve doctors and dentists in South Norfolk?
  6. Why is climate and nature not at the forefront of most of the party’s manifestos?
  7. Norwich to Tilbury pylons? Yes or no and why have you come to that decision?
  8. What are your views on the proposed Norwich Western Link, should it be built or not?
  9. The Government’s own Climate Change Committee headlines its mid-2023 Progress Report to Parliament with “A lack of urgency.” Other key messages (there are nine) include “The Government has made a number of strong commitments, these must be restated and moved as swiftly as possible towards delivery” and “Immediate priority … action is needed in a range of areas to deliver on the Government’s emissions pathway.” Monthly global average temperatures this year are already over 1.5oC above historic averages (Copernicus). If climate change leads to declining health, higher death rates, resource wars, biodiversity loss, social unrest and net migration, how can tackling global warming be addressed only “as and when we can afford it”, as some would have it, in the face of concern for others, prudent self-interest and Climate Change Committee advice?
  10. Norfolk has become one of the worst places in the country for accessing NHS dentist appointments. How will you improve access to an NHS dentist for residents in South Norfolk.
  11. What experience do you have supporting vulnerable people? Can you provide an example of where you’ve personally supported someone? How does this relate to your day to day decision making and your beliefs? In essence, I want to ask: why do you want to represent and support the people of South Norfolk? Make it personal, please.
  12. All political parties want crime to reduce and some promise more ‘bobbies on the beat’. To what extent does the UK’s willingness to comply with international law on the one hand and politicians’ own conduct on the other influence the person in the street’s attitude to law-keeping? What is your party’s policy on these matters?
  13. How would you tackle the teacher recruitment crisis?
  14. If your party got into power on 5th July, which, of all the challenges we face, is the most important to tackle first?
  15. Do you think it is morally justified to continue selling arms to Gaza where over 35,000 civilians have been killed with weapons supplied by the West?
  16. Will you stand up for sex based rights and ensure there is clear language, data and rules whenever sex matters?
  17. How do you feel about the pylons issue, and do you think Kier Starmer is aware that there already is a line of pylons through our area, and that the new line is to be in effect added to the existing line?
  18. Conservative’s plans for rental reform have failed to materialise. Landlords feel under attack and are leaving the sector with a resulting reduction in the number of private rental properties. This can only result in a shortage of supply and an increase in rents. Will your party encourage or discourage landlords?
  19. All the parties’ manifestos seem predicated on economic growth. With the country almost at full employment, how will your party grow the economy without sucking in more immigration?
  20. Over the past 20 years, there has been ample opportunity to vote against the government on proposals that have resulted in impoverishment, ill-health, and a divisive, spiteful, society. Please provide examples from your political career where you argued vehemently against your employer, solely on principles of decency towards those that have less than you.
  21. Do you know the current rules for charging for Social Care and how will you reform funding of Social Care when you are elected.
  22. With Norfolk hosting some of the most vital military assets in the country, the threats and tensions with other nations growing and the lack of funding and dwindling numbers in the military, what will you do to ensure our county and our nations security going forward?
  23. The constant road closures on the A47 are causing huge problems to locals with diversions running through small villages like my own in Colton, damaging verges and roads, or being sent via Thetford for miles and miles! The plan to dual the road has taken forever and is constantly beset with issues. What will you do to hold National Highways to account for their poor planning and delays, and also, what are your plans to bolster public transport, including railways to reduce the number of cars on the road and make shared transport cheaper and more accessible?
  24. Myself and other members of my family have personally suffered from long NHS waiting lists and have been offered private treatment (by their own NHS doctors) to jump the queue. We have the 6th biggest economy in the world, but we spend £40 billion per year less than neighbouring countries on our health service. Why are none of the parties committing to the level of investment that is obviously needed to solve the crisis in our NHS?
  25. “The family is the first essential cell of human society”. The saying is attributed to Pope John XXIII – but numerous other luminaries have expressed similar thoughts. If elected, how would you use your position in Westminster to strengthen families who freely offer so much valuable support across the generations?”
  26. Whoever forms the next UK government can expect to face situations they had not foreseen. In such situations what principles (no more than three!) will inform the way you speak and vote?” Will there be any good investment in NHS dental care? When and how?
  27. Did you have Sky TV growing up and does it matter?
  28. For 14 years the Tories have lied and forced needless austerity on the British public. When will they admit it was needless? When interest rates were on the floor, why did they not build a country, instead of killing it?
  29. How will you help achieve more low carbon homes (new and retrofitted); renewable energy; and natural wildlife habitat restoration?
  30. Do you know how to use a hammer and does it matter?
  31. It seems there is an imbalance between the urgent need to build national infrastructure such as housing and energy and the right of people to object, often to what seems ridiculous lengths. Do you agree and if so how will you reconcile these views.
  32. How will you tackle crime and keep people safe
  33. The care provided by the NHS is excellent. The problem seems to be accessing it quickly. What has gone wrong and how would your party fix it?
  34. I work in the social housing sector. We are seeing increasing numbers of people homeless and spending long periods of time in temporary accommodation in South Norfolk. This has a hugely adverse impact on the household and also costs the local authority. What solutions do you have to this situation?
  35. I would like to know how seriously they intend to tackle Domestic Abuse issues and what funding they intend to invest in pro active not just reactive strategies, such as educating children and young people in healthy relationships.
  36. Our already overstretched A&E departments are seeing rising numbers of patients with dental problems because they cannot access an NHS dentist, a lot of these are children. And a report in January of this year talked of rising sepsis cases due to unchecked dental problems. Do you plan to reverse this trend? And if so, how?
  37. What is your view on the ombudsman’s recommendation for compensation for 1950s born WASPI women in the next Parliament?
  38. If elected to the House of Commons how would you ensure that country comes before party and stop the often rowdy combative point scoring atmosphere and encourage more calmness and cooperation.
  39. The number of people on long term benefits, particularly for mental health issues, is growing. How do you intend to help more people on benefits back into work? Or would you apply more sanctions?
  40. In your opinion what is the one most important problem that we need to solve….and why is it important to you?
  41. What immediate change would you make to how government works to best ensure adherence to the Nolan Principles of Standards in Public Life?
  42. “Where do you stand on phasing out – sooner rather than later – phasing out animal testing with the aim of stopping it altogether, in favour of Non-Animal Non-Animal Methods (NAMS). To help both humans and animals.
  43. For detailed information on NAMS see Animal-Free Research UK.”
  44. If elected, will you promise to only have the job of our MP and to have no other paid jobs or consultancies etc i.e will you dedicate yourself to serving on our behalf ?
  45. What will you be doing to keep water companies to account for their poor service in supplying water to customers and their pumping of sewage into our rivers?
  46. Under your plans, how will you be using private healthcare in the NHS? Are you going to be expecting people to start paying for private health insurance?
  47. Who is a person that has/or inspires you?
  48. Some people are primarily motivated by making money. Others by service, selflessness and duty. My MP needs to be the latter. Which are you? How does your CV demonstrate this?
  49. Local GP practices are struggling. If elected how would you ensure that your constituents are able to access GP services in a timely manner and at their local surgery?
  50. Why does the rural area of South Norfolk have to suffer the brunt of “Green Technology “ to supply London and the Home Counties when other more Green methods such as an off shore ring main are available?
  51. “Charity is needed where the State has failed.” Do you agree or disagree? And why?
  52. To all candidates, please could you name one good thing about your fellow candidates, and one good thing about the party that they represent?
  53. Do you support changing the laws on placement of on-shore wind farms, solar farm and pylons to not allow input from local communities and councils. Also what is your position on these energy farms being run as private businesses held by foreign entities, such as the pylons being funded by Saudi Arabia?
  54. How will your party help create more local jobs for young people and build the affordable homes in which they can live, so we can retain talent and raise local living standards?
  55. Immigration – how will you control legal and illegal immigration? What plans do you have to deal with the rapid population growth it has caused?
  56. What is your policy on immigration? How do you intend to stop the boats of illegal migrants? How do you intend to get net migration down, which has soared to unsustainable numbers in the last 5 years?

Format of the Evening

7:30pm Welcome

7:35pm Candidates had 2 minutes each to cast their vision of the future

7:50pm Five of the pre-selected questions were posed in order of those most voted for, with 2 minute time limit per answer for those responding (3 minutes on environment)

9:20pm Quickfire Q&A – questions taken from the floor for individual candidates to reply – 30 seconds limit

9:45pm Closing comments from each candidate

10:00pm Home time

Candidates for South Norfolk

Chris Brown

Chris Brown, Liberal Democrats
(confirmed attendance)

Chris has lived in south Norfolk with his wife, Zoë, and their three children for 10 years. He has been an active community campaigner for 25 years and a South Norfolk councillor for 5 years, so knows the area well and is familiar with local issues and concerns.

Full statement to voters
As a trustee of a local homelessness charity, Chris is keenly aware of housing and homelessness problems. He also served as a primary school governor, so he takes a

close interest in education issues.

Professionally, Chris runs his own business, specialising in community engagement across the housing, energy, transport and environmental services sectors. With a Masters degree in business, he understands the challenges facing local employers and the need to support economic growth.

Chris will bring his experience and knowledge from business and voluntary work to campaign for better housing, better healthcare, support for those in most need and for our rural communities, and crucially action to improve the environment. The climate and nature crisis is one of his biggest concerns – he has proposed that South Norfolk Council should declare a climate emergency three times, with this being refused every time by Conservative councillors.

Recognising the huge inequalities in health and dental provision in Norfolk, Chris will fight for better access to GP and dental services. Chris has also actively engaged with representatives of our rural community, and will stand up for our farmers, working to ensure there is affordable, healthy food for all, produced to high welfare and environmental standards.

As a local candidate, Chris will work hard for a fair deal for South Norfolk, listening to and representing all residents of the constituency. He wants to build a country that is open, tolerant and united.

More info on Chris Brown
Ben Goldsborough

Ben Goldsborough, Labour
(Confirmed attendance)

As your Labour candidate for South Norfolk in the General Election, my local promise to you is to hold weekly advice surgeries that are open to all. I will visit every village and town on a regular rotation to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to seek support and advice.

Full statement to voters
For those areas without a suitable venue, I will conduct ‘Street Surgeries’ right on your street, so I can see first-hand how I can help. My goal is to be accessible and responsive to the needs of every resident in our constituency.

Additionally, I pledge to open a fully-staffed office within the constituency, making it easy for you to seek advice and assistance. This office will serve as a central hub where you can come for help with any issue you face. By providing a permanent, accessible location, I aim to ensure you always have a reliable place to turn to for support. My commitment is to serve you effectively and be a constant, available resource for our community.

This election gives you a clear choice: the opportunity for change or more of the same. You can choose an MP who is accountable and present, someone who prioritises the needs of South Norfolk above all else. My commitment is to be actively engaged with our community, ensuring that your concerns are heard and addressed. By voting for me, you are choosing a representative dedicated to making a positive difference, someone who will tirelessly work for the betterment of our constituency and put the interests of South Norfolk first.

More info on Ben Goldsborough
Chris Harrison

Chris Harrison, Reform UK
(Confirmed attendance)

I moved to Norfolk in 1992 to pursue a PhD at the John Innes Centre in Norwich. The first house I lived in as a postgraduate student was in what is now the South Norfolk Constituency. My career began in research and later transitioned to management and director roles within the university sector.

Full statement to voters
Since 2012, I have been active in the private sector, primarily working with start-up companies focused on commercialising innovative products and concepts. Recently, I served as the managing director of a plant-based food venture in Norfolk, collaborating with scientists, farmers, and major retailers, food distributors, and catering services, including school catering.

Ten years ago, I founded a retail business that has steadily grown. What started in my office now supports a small team in a Norfolk village high street location.

I am married to a full-time GP, and I have worked with healthcare-related businesses, gaining a deep understanding of the NHS’s challenges. Healthcare is a daily topic in our household.

I have a 17-year-old daughter studying graphic design at a college in Norwich. As she prepares for university next year, we are experiencing the challenges faced by her generation, especially following the pandemic.

Why Reform UK?

I previously represented the Conservatives as a Broadland District Council councillor and have been a Conservative supporter since my student days in Leeds, despite its unpopularity there at the time. However, recent events, especially during and after the pandemic, have left me disillusioned with the Conservatives. I have come to agree with the view that they are self-serving and do not truly represent the views of the country or their voters. The internal conflicts and leadership appointments disregarding membership wishes have solidified this perspective.

Reform UK offers a fresh approach. The people I have met and the other candidates in the election come from diverse backgrounds, many with experience in small businesses or vital public services. We share a belief in the need for radical change and breaking the stronghold of the two major parties. I found a political home here – one where I didn’t need to be part of the political elite or a PPE graduate from Oxford to be accepted.

I bring to the party a wealth of experience in both the public and private sectors across various industries. I have started and run small businesses and negotiated deals with international household-name companies. Despite my extensive education, I come from a humble background; my parents owned a guest house in Morecambe, where I grew up.

I understand and love the rural economy here in South Norfolk and am part of it, while also recognising the significant opportunities from nearly 30,000 people working at Norwich Research Park. I aim to maintain our way of life while increasing the money in your pocket through lower taxation, better and more efficient public services, and cutting waste in unaccountable bodies like the BBC, the House of Lords, and numerous NHS management organisations.

Working in science and highly-skilled workplaces has shown me the immense value of skilled people coming to the UK. Some of my best friends are those who have come here to work. However, even they acknowledge that unchecked immigration could harm the UK. The Labour government under Blair eroded immigration controls, leading to an almost free-for-all situation. This shift has resulted in an addiction to cheap labour, which continues today.

Issues like migration and crime were major concerns in 2007. However, a financial crisis, a decade of austerity, a pandemic, and now war have exacerbated the lack of political focus in this area. Those factors are in the backdrop, but it is the Conservative government’s failure to act has left us in this position. Policies like the Rwanda plan are mere gimmicks and will waste time and money.

I hope that after reading this, you will consider supporting me. In return, I promise to work hard for you and be a force for good and change.

More info on Chris Harrison
Jason Maguire

Jason Maguire, Social Democratic Party
(Confirmed attendance)

More info on Jason Maguire
Catherine Rowett

Catherine Joanna Rowett, Green Party
(Confirmed attendance)

In a stunning result in the European Parliament elections in 2019, Catherine was elected the first ever Green Party MEP for the East of England. Another amazing result in 2023 saw her elected as the first ever Green Party County Councillor elected in the formerly Tory heartlands of rural South Norfolk. In West Depwade the Greens went from last place to first in just one year.

Full statement to voters
The success was repeated in 2024 when the Green Party won the by election for a district Council seat in the same division. Before and after her time in the European Parliament, Catherine was a professor of philosophy at the University of East Anglia. She is deputy coordinator of the Eastern Region Green Party and the party’s national spokesperson on issues relating to employment, work and social security. Catherine has previously stood as the parliamentary candidate for South Norfolk in 2015 and 2017.

In launching her campaign in South Norfolk this year, Catherine said:
“Now more than ever South Norfolk needs the opportunity to vote Green, to deliver the action that we need in the face of multiple threats to rural livelihoods, natural habitats, quiet lanes and dark skies. Nationally we need to prioritise policies that enable people and businesses to thrive, restoring hope and health. Decades of Tory austerity and corruption have made us one of the most miserable countries in the world, with children going hungry and old people unable to get out and about. These are political choices. Greens would prioritise fairness over cruelty. It’s that simple. We need to change the system from the bottom to the top, in finance, economy, health, housing, energy, transport and wage structures. We need committed Green politicians in government.

The Green party has been preparing a blueprint for a better society for years. It will be a society that sits lightly on its natural home and cares for the woodlands and the bees, the birds, the badgers and the hedgehogs, and enables people to thrive, with good food, good health, and clean air. No other party is so well placed to address the problems we face at present and into the future.

More info on Catherine Joanna Rowett
Paco Davila

Francisco ‘Paco’ Davila, Independent
(Confirmed attendance)

I am an independent, self-employed professional living in Norfolk where I have three children. Originally from Peru, I moved to the UK and studied psychology at the UEA, followed by cognitive behaviour and neuroscience at Cambridge University.

Full statement to voters
I am not a career politician, but I believe that the truth must prevail in politics, given its significant impact on our daily lives, including health, education, housing, business, pensions, and taxes.

I will fiercely campaign for:
– An increase in technical/STEM colleges in Norfolk.
– More apprenticeships and tax reliefs for companies that provide them.
– Greater university grants to enable access for a wide range of young people.
– Improved access for those with disabilities.
– Improvements in local post offices, railways, and manufacturing companies to bolster the local
– The creation of Norfolk Men’s Institute.
– The creation of Norfolk Neighbourhood Bank.
– Policing in the street and Law and Order.
– 20 MPH around Schools.
– Affordable housing for young people.

Our heritage, and what it means to be British, has led this
country to become a land of hope and glory. However, these values are in danger. I want to represent you and your family to preserve our cultural values and unite as a people. I will defend your rights, needs, and aspirations, no matter what.

I am a founding member of the European Association for Counselling, the International Round Table for the Development of Integrity, and other organisations in Norfolk. Additionally, I served as a town councillor, representing Norfolk at a world conference in Washington D.C. with the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, where I advocated for children’s rights and opposed domestic violence.

I have been recommended to His Majesty The King for the honour of receiving a British Empire Medal in 2023, for my service to the community, and in previous years I have been twice nominated by a Forensic Psychiatric Hospital with over 500 UK locations, for services to mental health. I have a great love for this community, especially for those in need, and I believe in education and social enterprise, as demonstrated by my work running campaigns since 1992.

I believe it is important to work together based on our similarities rather than against each other due to our differences. We can accomplish more as a united population than as divided people fighting amongst ourselves. We must pursue the sense of community that our younger generations desperately need, but we can’t expect any change if we don’t change who we’re voting for.

Therefore, I kindly ask for your vote in the upcoming election. By supporting me, you will be helping to preserve our values, improve our community, and create a better Britain. Together, we can make a difference.

More Info on Paco Davila
Poppy Simister-Thomas

Poppy Simister-Thomas, Conservative and Unionist Party
(Lord John Fuller attending to represent)

Poppy Simister-Thomas is the Conservative Party’s Prospective Parliamentary Candidate to fight the next General Election in the new South Norfolk Constituency.

More About Poppy (taken from her website)
Poppy has enjoyed a successful career in business, where she held senior positions in shipping and energy working in the UK and abroad. More recently she has worked as consultant, helping to improve our public services and healthcare organisations and make sure British taxpayers get the service and value they deserve.

Poppy was the first person in her family to stay at school past 16, going to a state grammar school and then to Oxford. While being open about the fact that she’s not originally from Norfolk, since being selected as the Conservative candidate she has knocked on thousands of residents’ doors and met with local groups and organisations across the constituency.

She is married to David, a former Norwich comprehensive headteacher, and they have a 2-year old son, Tristan.

John Fuller, who will be in attendance to represent Poppy and the Conservatives, was born in Great Yarmouth and has lived in South Norfolk for over thirty years with wife Philippa. They have two grown-up daughters, who live and work in London. He has served as a South Norfolk Councillor for the Brooke Ward for over 20 years and last month stepped-down as Leader of the Council after 17 years service.

More About John
In that time and under his Leadership, South Norfolk Council has been acknowledged as one of the most highly performing in the Country with Council Tax rises being nearly a third less than inflation yet doing twice as much. In particular the Council’s ‘Help Hub’ has consistently helped to solve a problem for a local family every 20 minutes, whilst dry recycling and environmental performance including energy-efficiency has been indepedently rated as the best in Norfolk.

He was appointed OBE in 2019 and earlier this year, the Prime Minister appointed him to the House of Lords as a Life Peer, styled as Baron Fuller, of Gorleston-on-Sea in the County of Norfolk.

John has an followed extensive commercial career in the farming and fertiliser industries and has pursued other interests in commercial property. He is considered to be an expert on Local Government Finance, Public Sector Pensions and has deep knowledge of Planning, Waste & Recycling and housing and development.

More info on Poppy Simister-Thomas